Vehicle Towing Services in Hoffman Estates, IL
We provide towing services in Hoffman Estates, Illinois and the surrounding suburbs of Chicago. If you need a quick tow, give us a call and we’ll be on our way to you as fast as possible. Our goal is to tow your vehicle quickly and, most importantly, safely so that you can get back to living your life. As a towing services company, we aim to make this little speed-bump in life as quick and painless as possible. The faster your vehicle can get to a shop, the faster it will get repaired so that YOU can get back on the road!
Give us a call today! |
Need A Tow?Accidents happen -we know that they are going to happen, but we never know when, where or how they are going to happen. If your car breaks down, the best case is if it simply won’t start in your driveway. But, as life would have it, our vehicle might be incapacitated for any number of reasons and in any number of locations. If you are involved in an accident or your car breaks down while waiting for the light to turn green at an intersection or in any number of possible situations and you need a towing service, it is important to make sure that you and those around you are safe. It is important to assess where you and your passengers will be most safe and get to that location. If you can move the vehicle to a safe place off of the road, by pushing or driving the vehicle, then do so. If you are in a heavily trafficked area, make sure to take extra caution and make yourself visible by turning on your hazard lights and setting up cones and flares around the vehicle. You want to be SEEN and SAFE.
Call a Tow
Before you make any calls, make sure that you have paperwork on hand. You’re going to need your driver’s license, registration and proof of insurance. If you are a part of any road-side assistance programs, you will want have your membership card on hand as well. Of course, if you have a roadside assistance program, contact them first so that you are fully covered for the car towing service that you are requesting. If not, consider that you might be covered by your auto insurance, car dealership or auto insurance program. Otherwise, a quick search online for a "towing service near me" will give you a list of towing services in your area. If you’re in Hoffman Estates or the surrounding suburbs, feel free to give us a call and see how we can help you!
Help Is On The Way!
When you’re waiting for a tow to arrive, we know that you’re already most likely NOT having a good day. We understand that you want this all to be over as quick as possible. Keep your eyes out for the towing service tow truck that you requested, because we will be getting there soon!
The Tow Truck Arrives!
The tow truck has arrived -Great! There will be some quick paperwork to complete and then simply listen to the instructions of the tow-truck driver. He will most likely want you to put your car in neutral. He will hook up your vehicle and get your car towed to your requested location. Depending on the arrangement, you might ride in the cab of the tow truck to your destination. Otherwise, it’s time to call a cab or use your favorite ride-share app. When you're in a car accident, a towing service is there to get your vehicle safely off the road so that you can get back in the driver's seat as soon as possible. |
Types of Towing
Flatbed Towing
Utilizing a flatbed tow truck, which has a long, empty bed with a flat top, is known as flatbed towing. A flatbed truck moves the flatbed up and down using hydraulics rather than towing the vehicle from behind. Vehicles may then easily drive up the ramp. The vehicle may be moved and positioned correctly on the bed with ease by the driver. This kind of towing service is by far the safest kind and is most widely employed everywhere. If you need to move your car from point A to point B, it's the best option. Minivans, SUVs, sedans, and even motorcycles can all be towed with a flatbed.
Hook & Chain
There are many different types of cargo that can be towed with this form of towing service. As you might be aware, hook and chains were rather popular in the past. A big hook and chain would be used to tow cars behind another vehicle. Towing damaged cars to a junkyard is best accomplished with a hook and chain. It is not safe to use in circumstances where you have just ran out of gas or your battery is drained. The car is wrapped in a chain when being towed in this manner. Because it harms the bumper, it is now exclusively used to tow broken cars. Additionally, we advise against using this for your brand-new car for obvious reasons.
Integrated Towing
These are heavier-duty, more complicated towing methods. Buses and rigs are transported using integrated towing. Extra axles are typically present on an integrated tow trucks for increased strength and stability. It can handle such weight because its arm is considerably more deeply rooted in the truck's core.
Wheel-lift Towing
Although there is less harm involved in this type of towing service, this sort of towing is nearly identical to hook and chain towing. It makes use of a metal yoke that is attached to either the front or back wheels. It is set up so that the entry wheels of the front-wheel-drive vehicles pull the vehicle. The cost of wheel-lift towing is comparable to that of flatbed towing.